A New Year, A New You!


Copperfox Model Horses: Where Do We Go From Here?
This has been the question on my mind for quite a while now.  When I purchased Copperfox Model Horses from Becky and Sharon Benfield just a few years ago, we had carved in stone a set of books outlining the exact plans for the business.
Well as they say, 'Life is what happens when you're making other plans.' And so it did.
I have amassed a herd of beautiful British breeds, and more are coming along all the time. The Copperfox archives, history, and most importantly, models are all  preserved and safe.  
Though not everything came to fruition, I never like to say never. I have decided at this time to pivot and make the best of the situation. 
So Cody and I did some brainstorming, realizing how many requests we'd received on these very subjects .
Copperfox Model Horses will become Copperfox Consulting, with our heads and hearts still surrounding model horses. We recognized many service needs in the model horse hobby, not the least of which includes engineering for budding artists, 3D printing, casting, test casting, scaling models, scanning, and other services.
For example, we will be able to deliver small runs of unfinished models for those that are looking to bring their creations to life but may not have the ability to reproduce them.
We are also in a good position for artists across the pond so that the collectors in the US can enjoy the artistry of the world without being hit with costly shipping, lost packages and lag time. 
We've been working over many months to dismantle our current studio and redesign a space that will function better for this venture.  You will soon see the Copperfox website go into hibernation mode, however the website archives as they are (and we have updates to do!) will be preserved as we create the new services portion of the website. 
We plan to launch before spring, with a complete menu of service offerings. In the meantime, if you have ideas for us or a need we have not mentioned, do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@copperfoxhorses.com. 
Let us be your Ambassadors for all your model horse hobby needs, we look forward to serving you! 
Kind Regards,
Jules and Cody

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